Please join us for a Shared Inquiry discussion of Leo Tolstoy’s
Anna Karenina
Saturday November 9th
Queen Anne Lutheran Church
2400 8th Avenue West
Seattle, WA
$20 for rent of the facility and home-style luncheon. Send check (prior to by November 2) made out to, Pacific Northwest Great Books.
Steven Burdick
1806 Maple Lane C-15
Kent, WA 98030
We will be discussing the book only and will not be watching the movie… a ‘novel’ idea!
9:00…, rolls, and conversation
9:30-11:30…first discussion of characters and themes
11:30-12:30… luncheon and more conversation
12:30-2:30…continued discussion of themes
Our discussion topics will include:
What is the price of personal happiness?
How do we live an authentic life?
How do we know if we have done the right thing?
What makes a good marriage?
How do we contribute to a successful community?
Questions….contact Steven Burdick 253-850-3514 or <>